Wednesday, 11 April 2012

TASK 2, Part 2: CMC - Contextual Analysis of Corpus collected from Youtube Comments

I.                   Introduction
In the modern society, the synchronous way of communication has always been in favour as globalized social network users are used to being interactive at anytime and anywhere. The empirical study has proven that the purpose of YouTube serves more than just to entertain or to pour creativity as marketing strategies. The videos uploaded by individuals that come from all parts of the world do not only provide free knowledge and information for the viewers but also give them a way to openly discuss on the issue of the videos posted. The corpus chosen from YouTube, Why I Hate Religion, but I Love Jesus (Muslim Version), has over a million comments from the viewers. The context of this video is in response to the prior video created and posted by a modern Christian, Why I Hate Religion, but I Love Jesus. This has called the viewers to eagerly discuss and form an open debate by leaving comments of their understanding of the videos posted.

II.                Purpose of Study
The primary aim of this study is to fully grasp the ides of the Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) use in the linguistic perspective through the YouTube corpus chosen. The study was conducted to particularly scrutinize the concept of Christianity that has been brought up in the response to the video Why I Hate Religion, but I Love Jesus (Muslim Version) by using the method of contextual analysis. Most study on textual analysis focuses on the linguistic analysis, such as vocabulary, grammar, semantics, and etc. Linguistic analysis is descriptive in nature. Thus, since this study is on the intertextual analysis, which is on the context basis, it is therefore interpretative and analyzed through the understanding of the concept that will be explained further.

III.             Description of Corpus
The video chosen was taken from the ‘Religion’ segment, which has gained 1,109,200 viewers and contained 39, 410 comments (and counting) by the 8th of April 2012. The video are of the spoken response in the form of creative poem, concise and direct, that points out the false reasoning by the creator of the first video regarding his thoughts on Jesus and religion. What this study has analyzed here is the context of the most responded issue of the video, which is the concept of Christianity, both from an Islamic and Christian view.

IV.             Framework & Background of Contextual Analysis.
“All language is intertextual: it is shaped by prior texts, oriented to conventions and interpreted against the background of a very large corpus linguistic experience” (Stubbs, 1996)

Contextual analysis is simply an analysis of a text and its meaning that combine features of the systematic study of social, political, economic, philosophical, religious, and aesthetic conditions that were assumed to have been in place at the time and place when the text is created. In other words, “situating” the text within the realm of its time and assessing the roles of author, readers, and the respondents in the reception of the text (Behrendt, 2008). In addition, according the concept of discourse analysis by Fairclough and Wodak, discourse and social is always related and compliments one another at all time (2003).  

V.                Findings & Analysis
The most frequent discussion underlined by the viewers are the relevance of the concept of Trinity. The Christians believe that God has manifested himself into three beings: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. A viewer of the username ‘jayf4ever’ wrote “god is one but Jesus wasn’t God”. Through this context, the following ‘Corpus 1’ is the diminutive chain of the responds.

God+Jesus+Holy spirit are one
stop thinking with your cold mind,starting warming your heart!God is so mighty, but yet u cant believe He can have a Son.Just like U can be a Father wirh a Son.
I bet u cant even Give me 2 reasons why U cant eat Swine.U say Jesus said do something and I actuely do! But I say Jesus said after me dont believe in any prophets who comes after me Its like the last one there is a rot egg, U were last mate.when u read the bible finish it to the end dont talk crap

jesus probably never existed jews dont call him divine and you christians are the worst you are more violent than the muslims even though in the last 12 years you can say muslims are the most violent and if jesus is so divine why did he do stupid miracles that even a magician can do to trick people why couldnt he show the different planets you christians blind there is a lost gospel where jesus get angry at peter for calling him god christianity is fraud

My 4 year old brother even knows 1+1+1 is not 1. I'll give you 2 reasons why you can't eat swine. Moses forbade swine and in gospel of matthew, jesus said he didn't come to abolish the law of moses but accomplish it. Contradiction?2) Swine eat poop and garbage while lamb, goat and cows eat healthy clean veggies. Docors have come out discouraging eating of pork. Its a devlish thing to change the laws of god to fit your life style. We should live the way god told us to live because he knows best.

Another matter brought up is the concept of sin. Christians believe that Jesus was crucified to save mankind from their sins. Jesus is then depicted as a savior and Christians are obliged t reverence him. The entailed corpus chosen is as follow:

Yo your point about the the cross is really stupid. The cross is so we don't forget the lords sacrifice he made for us. we remember how he gave his life on the cross for us and our sins.
Also you screwed up your words.
You said you refuse to worship Jesus as an idol just like he wants it and proclaimed it as a sin (exodus 20:4). If he proclaimed it as a sin in Exodus he must be part of god as that was gods word before Jesus was even born. So you are actually right in your statement as Jesus is a party of God.
Boom you got served

his point is the best i have heard. Christianity has so many lies in it to brainwash people. they have a double standard saying not to worship idols yet you see people have pictures of jesus, celebrities and everything else worshiping them. if jesus dies on the cross for our sins we would automatically go to heaven becuase our sins are forgiven.. He came to speak the word of God not for us to worship him but to worship God.

You're response is hilarious. You guys pray to the direction of a black rock, make a pilgrimage there, go in circles around it, kiss it, touch it. If this isn't a form of idolatry i don't know what is.

We don't worship a rock. Its not even a requirement to kiss it. People want to kiss it because it is a stone from heaven. Who wouldn't want to kiss the only thing that fell from heaven and has been touched by holy prophets such as Muhammad (pbuh) and Adam and Eve???

LOL, would you kiss every space rock that hits Earth?  Somehow the rock is special because Mohammed touched it? That is idolatry!!!!!

From the context of the first corpus (Figure 1) which talks on the crucifixion of Jesus, Figure 2 are comments linked to questioning on Muslim’s pilgrimage rituals. This thread displays how language is intertextual and how from one topic, the context can develop to a whole new topic.

Another significant point and example that displays intertextuality and how discourse is related to social issues, that has been brought up in the empirical study analyzed, is that YouTube viewers tend to relate political issues to their comments, blaming it on organizations or nations on the problem centralized, even though there isn’t much relevance or important. Figure 3 displays the example of relating politics to the current issue at hand.

Hey Muslim your people blew up the twin towers. So why do we want to believe you. God says in the Bible that to kill somebody for no reason is a sin. You did that in the twin towers. Islam is full of lies. You have never read the Bible and you refuse to read the Bible. So you can't quote the Bible. I am Anti Muslim. I don't like Muslims. Your people need to leave AMERICA. This is a Christian nation. So get out and good luck trying to mess with ISREAL. THEY WILL KICK YALLS REARS. SO LEAVE AMERICA

It's funny.. Christianity is all about loving OTHERS.. and you're setting the opposite example. Please Look in the Mirror Real Good before calling yourself a Real Christian. Actions speak Louder than Words. And anyone who liked your ignorant comment is just as much of a fool as you are.

@MegaChicken201, My bro in Christ... You need more prayer that the maker of this film
God says in the bible "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "Do good to those who hate you" and "For God so loved the WORLD (which includes the Islamic people) that he gave his..." and finally if God loves the world and also commands us to be Christ-like, don't you think we should learn to love, before we condemn? Have you even read the Bible?
Mortis235 in reply to MegaChicken201 4 weeks ago

VI.             Conclusion
A text does not have a fixed interpretation, but is interpreted differently in different historical periods, and in different cultural contexts (Stubbs, 1996). Even though contextual analysis is seemingly a scholarly applied linguistic concept, it is relevant to state that human beings inevitably apply it in their everyday-conversation be it through spoken or written media. The concept brought by contextual analysis has been manipulated by YouTube to apply to its’ viewers that after a particular video is watched and analyzed, they are able to discuss and respond by leaving their comments in the comment box.


Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse: textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
Stubbs, M. (1996). Text and corpus analysis: computer-assisted studies of language and culture. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Wodak, R. (2001). Methods of critical discourse analysis. London: SAGE.

