Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Hello, hello!

Welcome linguistic and non-linguistic readers! As for those who are from our class or our department, we are sure that you would have an idea or two of what you are seeing here. But for those who have just stumbled across our blog while happily blog-hopping, let us give you a quick introduction of who we are and our objectives of being here.

First and foremost, let us introduce ourselves. Our codename is “BILLY”, since we are not just one person navigating this blog (hence the pronoun ‘we’). This blog is actually the combination of writings by four undergraduate students from the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL) of the InternationalIslamic University of Malaysia, also known as IIUM (phew! That’s a mouthful!). You can get a glimpse of who we are on the profile side bar and see what an interesting bunch we are ;-).

This blog has been specially designed for our ENGL 4740 course titled Computer Application in Language Studies (CALL). So we are basically English major students who are studying the use of computers and technology in language study. What we are doing is a required project for the entire semester, where we will be completing specific tasks given by our lecture, the ever sweet Dr. Rozina, and at the same time we are free to place our creativity and critical thinking skills by applying the Islamization of Knowledge on one linguistic theme.

And our theme is: Introduction to Linguistics

Why Intro to Linguistics? Well, because it is the introduction and we would like our blog to not only be accessible to people of linguistics alone, but also to the non-linguistic people who would be able to pick up a thing or two on the information that we have shared on our blog. Knowledge is great when you get to share it around. Though if there is any shortage or misinterpreted information on our blog, please excuse us as we are just mere humans who are bound to shortage and mistakes.

With that, we hope you enjoy our blog and find it informative for your own musings. :-)